Mod by psm to add maxvalue feedback from statusrec object, search for "--psm 98/04/20"
Mod by psm to add NewsReport, see "--psm 98/04/21"
Mod by lt: begin construction of the mission overlay data methods. now uses mission cast. 4/23/98
Mod by lt: added delay to the mission cmd specific messages 4/24/98
Mod by lt: general clean up and bug fixes 4/29/98
Mod by lt: 5/1 - 5/4/98 , added conflict resolution object to mission cast. This object is used by the ship when ever it engages in a confict with another ship - may be expanded later to include other environs. The mission specific messages are now context switchable. This alows for different messages to be associated with branching durring the mission. Fixed the power > max problem that was driving the pwr meter over max. Fixed the warp engine on / off bug. Notice that now the warp engine meter is backwards - needs to be changed.
mod by lt 5 - 7 - 98: extended the conflict res object - ship now can substain damage - can be attacted via the overlay obj. shields regenerate. phasers discharge / recharge.
dev v11: mod by lt 5 - 10 98: fixed bugs related to the HQ messaging / ship cmd processing. Added Pause state to ship so that parameters will not regenerate when in HQ comummication. Reset romulan loc.
mod 5/15/98 - LT: the ship now sends a zapEnemy cmd when the enemy ship is distroyed, origin set at 200,200. surrender clears cmdLST and adds the #simOver cmd to the stack.
mod 5/20/98 - lt: fixed the simOver cmd bug. limit the num of times to call shields damaged to 1, cmd = #die if twice attempted. modified the enemy ship invincible cmd setting in the conflict res obj to be 10 % of the time rather then 50 % when sheilds are not damaged - happens less often. fixed ship so it moves closer to target after getting into range. Don't think it can sail off into the nether nether land any more - but a hard limit on map locs of 1000.
Mod 5/20-26/98: LT. The mission is now driven via the mission script text field. This text field can be loaded from an external text file. The data in this text field is read at the start of the mission and initializes all of the data structures and mission specific messages. All branching is accomplished via the ship model and the mission overlay obj. The mission specific messages are now tied to specific cmds within the mission script.
Mod 5/28 - 6/7
I've been reworking the mission script parser and the overlay object - can better handle a mission as described by the the
mission script. prior version was a bit hard wired to the ship.
--psm 98/06/08 added pRegistryNum property to certain map & news messages ("aShip")
--psm 98/06/19 spelling correx to #command symbols, changed some message wording
Mod 7/2 LT
Added string table to mission script - makes scrips more readable. Added #thenCmd and #elseCmd for conditional branching. The #thenCmd / #elseCmd can be embedded within the #thenCmd clause or #elseCmd clause. This allows for complex conditional mission scripting (see example script).
Mod 7/4-5 LT
Debug and mission script improvements - some additions to ship sub-systems. added #linkmission command
Mod 7/8-9/98 LT I've made changes to the way that the snafu (sysErrReporter) works along with changes to the sci manager, sensor and trans manager.
Mod 7/17 - 21/98 LT. Moved all code-members from mission.cst to codelib.cst. deleted all unused ship defs and mission scripts from codelib.cst. Changed des modifier in mission script language (SSML) to use a locH , locV and nameString. Working on fix for errent ship (map and my obj) when targetLoc < currentLoc. Still have some trouble there (ship flys backwards).
Mod 7/23 - Fixed bug - changed some mission script stuff (eliminated some special tags) - improved the damage behavior of the ship sub systems.
Mod 7/26 - Make change ala Peter in aNavigtion object to correct pPhaseAngle calculation. Eliminated #returnToStarBase command. Note Peter decodes for this command in parts of his code. The #returnStarBase command now uses the message field to code two loc parameters eg:
#returnStarBase, locH locV
Mod 8/5/98 - made a bunch of changes to the subsystems concerning damage and reporting. Changed mreportSnafu to use new data structure (passed to it) parameter. Added condition codes as follows
set errorCode = 99
set errorCode = 1
set errorCode = 2
set errorCode = 6
set errorCode = 10
set errorCode = 11
set errorCode = 12
set errorCode = 9
set errorCode = 13
Mod 8/16/98 - made major changes to the ship obj and the mission overlay objs. Changed cmds, and interaction with enemy ship. still under construction - more changes expected on 8/17/98
Mod 8/24/98 - added peter's changes from 8/20 - 8/24, hooked in the probes, made use of cpu and
pwr. test for equipment, etc. uses deltaT = f(distance from target). Hooked in missing subsystems from cpu object. Changing the way CPU works -
Sept 14 - 98 - working towards the gm disk
These changes by PSM
Sept 14 - 98 - taking PSM's changed codelib and reworking the "battle" sequence - modifing the "no-phaser" condition.